THE CATFISH: Aaron, who poses as “Amanda” to begin a relationship with lacrosse player Tyler, complete with explicit photos and messages.
WHY HE DID IT: Loneliness, combined with the homophobia he encountered in his community. After the Catfish team introduces Tyler to Aaron, Aaron confesses that he has used “Amanda” to talk to dozens of guys who thought he was a woman. “Amanda” even got him kicked out of school, after he used the persona to interact with his R.A. Aaron says he’s gay but he doesn’t want to be, that he has been ostracized in his community for his sexuality and that only when he’s posing online as a woman can he get the attention of men. He insists that he means no harm, but in order to stay close to his family in remote Michigan he must remain in a region where he has few dating options as a gay man. (Aaron eventually moves to New York City.)