Forget the action-packed set pieces featuring brave soldiers battling giant arachnids or the exciting scenes in which massive spaceships evade interstellar debris—no, the most compelling vision of the future taken away by the majority youthful males who flocked to this big-budget sci-fi movie was the coed shower.
It should be said that no such scene appears in the thoroughly entertaining Robert Heinlein novel on which the film is based—in fact, the only substantial thing the book and movie share is the title. That said, its inclusion in the film is kinda brilliant: what better way to show gender equality than to have happy soldier boys and girls frolic with shiny, sudsy abandon? Judging from the jawlines and abs, it would seem Abercrombie & Fitch is still around in the future.
We’re not embedding a clip (because of, you know, nekkidness), but the curious can take a peep by clicking this age-restricted link.