Sure, we get that the story of several brave star systems rising up against an evil empire provided the narrative spine of the SW movies. But the prequels got way too mired in the kind of elements that don’t necessarily make for high drama: Trade routes. Blockades. Taxation. Senate hearings. In fact, we’ll be happy if we never visit Coruscant again.
A Star is Reborn: 10 Suggestions for the New Star Wars Movies
With Disney preparing to re-launch the 'Star Wars' franchise, TIME offers some helpful suggestions to the filmmakers
Keep the Galactic Politics to a Minimum
Full List
A Star is Reborn
- Wars and Rememberance
- When Charting the Future, Look to the Past
- Not Everything Should Be Held Sacred
- Keep the Galactic Politics to a Minimum
- Do Anything to Keep John Williams Working on the Movies
- No More Kid Characters
- A Writer Who Understands the Star Wars Universe
- More Scoundrels
- A More Nuanced Presentation of Alien Races
- A Return to Dirt and Grime
- More Light-Hearted Moments