Played by: John Malkovich
His baldness may only rank about a six out of ten—there’s quite a bit of hair on the sides, but just the sides, of that sinister head—but Malkovich’s Mitch Leary gets full points for villainy. He’s a CIA-trained killer, disillusioned with his country and his leader (and out of his mind), who’s decided he’s going to kill the President. While he’s at it, he taunts Frank Horrigan (Clint Eastwood), a Secret Service agent who was on duty when JFK was shot, and randomly shoots two hunters who admire his gun. He’s also got that creepy, quiet voice thing going on, a sure sign of villainy—if you needed confirmation after seeing his apartment, a shrine to the great assassins from American history.
Evil deeds: Extreme admiration for John Wilkes Booth