Bald Baddies
- Big, Bad…and Bald
- 10. Ernst Blofeld, You Only Live Twice
- 9. Vizzini, The Princess Bride
- 8. Mitch Leary, In the Line of Fire
- 7. Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, Apocalypse Now
- 6. Borg Queen, Star Trek: First Contact
- 5. Bane, The Dark Knight Rises
- 4. Nameless Gunslinger, Westworld
- 3. Count Orlok, Nosferatu
- 2. Lord Voldemort, the Harry Potter series
- 1. Don Logan, Sexy Beast
Bald to the Bone: Top 10 Hairless Movie Villains
In honor of 'Looper''s follicularly challenged Bruce Willis, TIME ranks the top 10 evil chrome domes in film