Comments of the Week: September 15–21

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Sometimes you just need to mix it up, go a little wild, do something crazy, et cetera. And this week, that’s what we’re doing with the comments of the week. No theme! That’s nuts, right? We know. It’s nuts. But we hope in a good way.

Susan Krisha on Graeme McMillan’s take on whether Castle can avoid the so-called “Moonlighting curse,” in which a show gets boring after its lead characters become a couple:

Seems as though all the Bones naysayers are disappointed more because there was no big sex scene between B&B than the actual story being told. If one was only watching the show for the sex,  rather than the characters, then I can understand the frustration. Also, please beware Castle viewers. The new season has not begun. I wish you luck.

Lecrazy’s summing-up of TobyMac’s look, on Tim Newcomb’s piece about the Christian music moment going on right now:

Jamaican hipster.

ipfletch on James Poniewozik’s review of Revolution:

It’s starting to feel like one too many trips to the mythology well, honestly. I usually love a good end-of-the-world scenario, but even I’m getting weary of them at this point.

kesibmik on Wook Kim’s list of the top 10 most disgusting eating scenes from cinema history:

What about the dog poo scene from American Wedding?

Sandra Burleson on Andrea Sachs’ Q&A with Lee Child about Tom Cruise playing his character Jack Reacher:

Tom Cruise? Really? I guess next, Adam Sandler’s going to play Batman.