Today’s Movie Trailer: The Dark Knight Rises

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On Friday, audiences will be streaming in droves to see The Avengers, a superhero roundup filled with aliens, Norse gods and giant green rage monsters. But before that movie begins, they’ll see the trailer for a very different kind of superhero movie, The Dark Knight Rises. 

“My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men,” Catwoman says to Batman. But this isn’t a car. It’s the BatJet. And this isn’t Halle Berry. What kind of Catwoman do you think Anne Hathaway is going to be? And what do you think of Batman’s nihilistic world?

(MORE: TIME’s Summer 2012 Movie Preview)

On Friday, audiences will be streaming in droves to see The Avengers, a superhero roundup filled with aliens, Norse gods and giant green rage monsters. But before that movie begins, they’ll see the trailer for a very different kind of superhero movie, The Dark Knight Rises. 

“My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men,” Catwoman says to Batman. But this isn’t a car. It’s the BatJet. And this isn’t Halle Berry. What kind of Catwoman do you think Anne Hathaway is going to be? And what do you think of Batman’s nihilistic world?

(MORE: TIME’s Summer 2012 Movie Preview)