A bold 1991 film starring Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny, The Rapture goes where most movies don’t dare tread on the topics of heaven, hell and mysterious realms. Rogers plays Sharon, a bored telephone operator by day who lets loose as half of a swinging couple at night. She is intrigued by prophecies about the end of days, and becomes a born-again Christian, convinced the Rapture is coming. But she loses faith after her husband is murdered, and shoots her own daughter in an attempt to hasten her ascendance to heaven. When the apocalypse does, shockingly, arrive, Sharon languishes in purgatory, shown as a grouping of jail cells, after she refuses to accept God in her life.
Top 10 On-Screen Depictions of Heaven
To mark our cover this week, "Rethinking Heaven," TIME takes a look at the various ways the afterlife has been depicted on television and in movies