CLIENT: Hyundai
YEAR: 2012
Anderson — whose Moonrise Kingdom opens May 25 — shot a few ad campaigns airing this year, most recently a lovely bit of stop-animation touting Sony’s Xperia smartphones. He also was behind a pair of spots for Hyundai: debuting during the Oscars show, they offer, in true Anderson fashion, marvelously whimsical depictions of domestic life.
ON A SCALE OF 1 (LOW) TO 10 (HIGH), HOW WELL DOES THIS SPOT REFLECT THE DIRECTOR’S STYLE OR SENSIBILITY? (9) This spot — in which a harried father copes with a kitchen meltdown — is chockablock with Andersonia, including (but not limited to): the right-angle-to-the-proscenium blocking, the detail-loaded background (we quite like the toddler in the cupboard and the robots everywhere), and line readings that are both wooden and convincing.