Maybe it’s because the writers tried too hard, devising a too-clever-by-half plot in which the actress who “plays” Samantha Stevens in an in-movie remake of Bewitched is an actual witch. Or maybe it’s because the usually solid cast decided to play their roles half-invested (to perhaps suggest they, too, are in on the joke). Either way, this movie cast a spell of disenchantment on its audiences.
“…I can tell you this about the new Bewitched: It is an affliction. As if the work of an angry god, the movie collects the perspectives of Nora Ephron (director, co-writer), Delia Ephron (co-writer), and Penny Marshall (producer), coalescing into a showbiz self-suck unrivaled in modern times for smugness, vapidity, and condescension. To spend even 10 minutes in the movie’s universe is to experience the Sartrean nausea of an utterly hollow head and heart.”
— Michael Atkinson, Village Voice, June 14,2005