Genre: Action-Adventure
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus might not have the instant-recognition-value of titles like Grand Theft Auto, Madden NFL, or Call of Duty, but to gamers in the know (yes, we mean you), they represent high-water marks in video game design, combining innovative gameplay with gorgeous visuals, both in service of emotionally engaging stories. The long awaited Last Guardian — perhaps the last project director Fumito Ueda, the Terrence Malick of game design, creates for Sony — tells the story of a young boy who discovers, rescues, and ultimately befriends a giant birdlike creature called a Trico. No shipping date has been announced, but in the mean time, those unfamiliar with Ueda’s previous masterpieces are hereby advised (no, ordered!) to get the new PS3-friendly Ico–Shadow two-pack right this instant. You will thank us later.