Wikipedia’s list of mainstream movies with unsimulated sex is an interesting tally of films that have tried to bridge the gap between pornography and art by showing “real” sex between actors. Many of the releases on the list, including 9 Songs, Baise-Moi, and The Brown Bunny, had widespread release in the more sexually laissez-faire Europe, but in the U.S. had to be edited to merit an R- rating. One thing that most of the latter-day movies have in common, besides graphic sex, of course, is that they were inspired by Catherine Breillat’s 1999 film Romance. The film tells the tale of a girl spurned by her boyfriend who is forced to find sexual fulfillment outside the bounds of normal relationships. What it lacks in plot it makes up for in scene after scene of sado-masochistic unsimulated sex sans any sense of eroticism or heat.