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TLC Minus Kate Plus Eight

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Remember when Jon and Kate Plus Eight was a huge pop-culture phenomenon / tabloid controversy / parenting cautionary tale? If you can’t, that may go some way toward explaining why TLC has told People magazine that it is not renewing the de-Jonified version of the reality show starring Kate Gosselin and some kids who happen to live with her, Kate Plus Eight. As the article notes, the show will have hit 150 episodes before it leaves the air, so this may not say much about anything except that every series has to wear out its welcome eventually. On the other hand, it certainly feels like the craze for wow-our-family-is-so-big reality shows may be past its peak.

In any case, I will take a minute to mourn, if not for the show, then for the fact that this is very likely the last time I will be able to go to the “math-based Kate Plus Eight joke headline” well. On to Toddlers and Tiaras!