“Let them eat cake.” That must have been said in one of the production meetings for the making of Tom Petty’s “Don’t Come Around Here No More” video. Perhaps it was first uttered by Jeff Stein — the prolific early-’80s music-video director who also helmed the Who biodoc The Kids Are Alright. Stein sets this song in a creepier-than-Carroll Wonderland, with Petty in an outsize mad hat. The cake in question is Alice herself, devoured at the end by Petty and friends after a menacing chase in a black-and-white-checkered room. Audiences ate it up. The single was a big hit, and the video is one of the most memorable from a decade that defined the form. There’s also a lesson here for young women everywhere: if you meet the guy from the Eurythmics (Dave Stewart, who first wrote the song for Stevie Nicks but finished it with Petty) sitting on a mushroom, smoking a hookah and playing sitar, it’s best not to eat what he offers.