What makes a superhero movie good? The expected super abilities, an appropriately noble moniker and dashing looks, among other things. But greatness, that’s reserved for the likes of a few. Like Superman II. With a cheekier, sexier, more urgent plot than its predecessor, the series finally gave us a worthy opponent in General Zod (Terence Stamp), a man just as powerful as Superman. As Zod invades earth, a smitten Clark Kent surrenders his powers for the lovely Lois Lane. (And there’s sex! Don’t forget about the sex!) Eventually, of course, the ol’ Man of Steel scoops those powers — and his tights — right back up again when he realizes what Zod is capable of. Though it may not boast the depth of The Dark Knight or the wit of Iron Man, Superman II‘s emotional pyrotechnics will leave you properly dazzled.