Thirsty? Ask for a sip of someone else’s drink. Forgot something in the woods? Cut your losses. Hear a strange noise in the basement? Pretend you don’t. Whatever you do, just don’t announce a quick detour from your group or it’ll be your swan song. The “I’ll be right back” trope has become such a horror flick death scene precursor that viewers almost find themselves rooting for the masked assailant to punish the never-to-returnee. No, you won’t be right back. You’ll be bloody and hanging from the garage door’s doggy hole.
Top 10 Ways To Survive A Horror Movie
With the release of the fourth Scream film comes a fresh cast of hopeful horror survivors. TIME brings you the rules to follow if you want to make it out alive.
Don’t Ever Investigate Or Say You’ll “Be Right Back”
Full List
Surviving in a Horror Flick
- Don’t Ever Investigate Or Say You’ll “Be Right Back”
- Turn Around, Because It’s Always Behind You
- Never Watch A Horror Movie When You’re In One
- Make Sure Your Car is Always in Perfect Working Order
- Don’t Ever Split Up
- When Haunted, Just Move Out of the Damn House
- Wear Comfortable Shoes
- Avoid Proms and All Other High School Parties
- Always Assume Your Attacker Is Still Alive
- Keep Your Pants On