Tuned In Tuned In

Modern Family Watch: What a Croctopus

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Not a ton to say about the most recent Modern Family, which featured two subplots straight out of the Wacky Misunderstanding School of Sitcomedy—though for my money, the most amusing storyline involved Phil and Claire’s shared dorky love of bad movies. (Phil on sequels: “They usually get a new …

Tuned In Tuned In

Obama to America: Open Your Eyes


It was fortunate coincidence that President Barack Obama was able to begin his memorial speech Wednesday in Tucson with a bit of good news. Before he spoke to the memorial for the victims of Saturday’s shootings, the President announced, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords had opened her eyes for …

Tuned In Tuned In

Sarah Palin Steers Into the Skid

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Wait! Come back! I swear this is not one more post about Sarah Palin’s “blood libel” reference!

Well, not exactly. I will leave it to others to judge the way she described her personal claim of unfair treatment in the media using the term for the charge that a religious minority, usually Jews, …

Tuned In Tuned In

BET Raises Its Game

There are series that get low ratings and get cancelled. There are series that get low ratings, are nurtured by their networks, and gradually get better ratings. There are series that get low ratings, then move to another network for which they’re a better fit, and where the low ratings are more acceptable. And then there are series …

Populist Populist

Top 10 Movie Gimmicks

Australian director Baz Lurhmann recently hinted that he was considering filming The Great Gatsby in 3D, a format that has become a reliable cash cow for the movie industry. TIME looks at other Hollywood attempts to rack in extra …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: First World Problems

Do you like Grey’s Anatomy, but wish that the doctors’ private crises and personal issues were analogized to Third World suffering? Then you’ll love Off the Map!

The new medical drama from Grey’s creator Shonda Rhimes, debuting tonight on ABC, was probably a no-brainer for the network to pick up, because it combined elements of two of …

Tuned In Tuned In

The Morning After: Lights On

Time and interest permitting I may do a regular (or semiregular) Lights Out Watch here as the season goes on. Having some catching up to do, however, and having written about 1500 words on the show in my review this week, I’ll leave further breaking down of the pilot to you. I will say that I liked the pilot a great deal, but it took a …

Tuned In Tuned In

I Have Seen 15 Minutes of Game of Thrones


I’m not at TCA press tour where it was screened, but had a chance to stream the very, very impressive 15-minute preview reel of Game of Thrones that HBO put together. (No sharing permitted, alas; above is a preview featurette that HBO aired.) After the jump, a few impressions—don’t …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: Lights Out

[Special spoiler alert: The following review mentions certain plot points that, at first viewing, I thought would be spoilers, but that FX’s commercials and promotions have abundantly given away–specifically, where the story goes after the pilot episode. I didn’t give away anything I wouldn’t want to know in advance, but in the

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