If you were wondering if The Event would be around long enough for you to commit to, good news—NBC picked the sci-fi serial up yesterday for a full season, along with Outsourced and Law & Order: Los Angeles. The Event has slumped seriously in the ratings since it debuted, but maybe NBC has decided it has room to grow—and, maybe more important, that you have to show patience if you ever want fans to get on board another serial again.
I dropped the show after three episodes in, though I dipped in long enough last night to see that there have been further developments on the virus that kills you, then doesn’t kill you, then apparently kills you again. (Spoiler alert? Do I have that straight?) If you’ve stuck with the show, feel free to share your assessment of it, or any other Monday-night TV.
[Note: I realize I never posted a Boardwalk Empire review yesterday; the AMC finales and a deadline I’m currently working on have me playing catch-up, but I hope to post at least something short for discussion purposes later today.]