Tuned In

The Morning After: Holy Trinity!

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Quick spoilers for Dexter coming up after the jump:


Going into its fourth season, Dexter has reached the point where the antagonists for its serial-killer lead are more interesting than the protagonist himself. Fortunately, it did well this season by casting John Lithgow as the Trinity Killer, probably the most compellingly creepy adversary Dexter has faced yet. Last night’s showdown between the two allowed Lithgow to showcased both his character’s menace and his vulnerability; and while it featured the sort of child-in-peril story that usually leaves me running for the remote, it was in this case at least central to Arthur’s character and his twisted motivation. At this point, the series loses me when it moves away from the Trinity storyline (Dexter as dad set up some nice ironies, but the story hasn’t really done much), but thanks to Lithgow, the show can still deliver chills this season.

Are Tuned Inlanders still watching? Or did anyone opt for the less bloody HBO Rock and Roll Hall of Fame concert?