Residents of 6th Avenue in Park Slope, move your cars for Marty!
Before 6 this morning, I was riding my bike to work a shift at the Park Slope Food Co-op—that’s right, I basically am Gerald Goode—when I came across a block closed to parking, with street signs announcing shooting for HBO “series” Boardwalk Empire.
The show is actually a pilot for a series under consideration (produced by Martin Scorsese and written by Sopranos scribe Terence Winter), set in and around Atlantic City during Prohibition. It’s been shooting in the New York City area for several weeks now. Last I checked, there was no word of a series pickup—HBO usually doesn’t pick up series until after shooting a pilot—but early buzz has sounded promising. (See this Boardwalk Empire blog for links and pilot news.)
In any case, pilot production is definitely moving ahead. So if you live in Park Slope, Brooklyn, on 6th Avenue between Union and Carroll, move your car. Because they didn’t have Toyota Priuses in 1920s New York City.