The 2005 Michael Jackson child-molestation trial was a late-night host’s dream. Too bad a gag order put a muzzle on Leno’s ridicule. Leno, called as a witness in the case, was ordered by the court to avoid making fun of Jackson on The Tonight Show. Though Leno argued the order was a violation of his free speech, the court didn’t buy it. He could still write Jackson jokes, it said — he just couldn’t perform them on the show. Sensing a loophole, Leno invited comedians like Brad Garrett and Roseanne Barr on the show to tell Jackson jokes for him, all while Leno stood behind them snickering. (“What does Michael Jackson call a school bus?” one joke went. “Meals on wheels.”) But when the gag order was finally lifted, Leno made up for lost time, devoting an entire monologue to ridiculing the troubled pop star.
Top 10 Jay Leno Moments
Never fear — Jay Leno isn't going anywhere. But as he leaves The Tonight Show to start in a new, earlier slot, here's a look back at 10 of the most memorable moments from his show.