Tuned In Tuned In

TV Tonight: Failin' Fillion


There’s a part of me that wants to just look the other way on ABCs Castle, wish the excellent Nathan Fillion well on finding continued employment and forget that it ever existed. But I suspect other Tuned Inlanders like Fillion as much as I do, and I owe it to them to lower their expectations, if not save them the hour altogether. 


Tuned In Tuned In

Programming Note

Since I posted on the season 2 debut of Breaking Bad Friday, feel free to use this post to discuss it. Also, this is as good a time as any to discuss a crisis affecting Tuned In: There is just too damn much good TV on the weekends for me to blog it all, without hiring either a personal assistant or a second father for the Tuned In …

Tuned In Tuned In

TV Weekend: Re-Breaking Bad

The first season of Breaking Bad was truncated by the writers’ strike at seven episodes out of a planned ten, though this did not stop Bryan Cranston for winning an Emmy for his portrayal of Walter White, dying chem teacher …

Tuned In Tuned In

Office Watch: Shoot That Poison Sparrow

The enjoyable thing about an episode like the Valentine’s Day installment (?? — someone monkeyed with the schedule) of The Office is how it allows a moment for nearly everyone from the broad cast. Young, old, single or paired, gay or straight, everyone has relationship issues. And while Michael’s two-ships-that-passed-in-the-blood-drive …

Tuned In Tuned In

This Showrunner, That Show: Let's Play TV Transplant!

What’s keeping me from doing more blogging today is working on my review of Kings for the print magazine. Naturally, it made me want to write a blog post.

I don’t want to telegraph too much about my review—it’s complicated—but one thing I was thinking as I watched was that I sometimes wished that a different writer had gotten …

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