At least no labor for me — I’m taking today off. Courbet’s tireless (and, alas, lost) pair will labor in my place. Back Tuesday.
At least no labor for me — I’m taking today off. Courbet’s tireless (and, alas, lost) pair will labor in my place. Back Tuesday.
The best of summer TV 2008. The worst of summer TV 2008. Go.
Sorry so short. You try writing 20 robo-posts in a row sometime. See you after Labor Day.
While Flesh-James is on vacation, Robo-James has generated this free-for-all thread to discuss anything that’s caught your eye in the worlds of TV, media, or other matters Tuned Inland-y. Think of it as do-it-yourself guest blogging.
In a way, the big challenge in Denver tonight was not Barack Obama’s but Invesco Field’s. For days, we’ve heard reports of hand-wringing among Democrats and pundits over Obama’s decision to hold the speech in a stadium. What if it made him seem too presumptuous? What if it looked too showboaty?
As opposed to what—a standard …
I’ve checked in a few times this summer with “Home Delivery”, the Museum of Modern Art show about prefabricated housing, an idea whose time is always coming but never quite comes. This is what I had to say about it recently in Time.
The title explains itself. I have long believed that there is a Simpsons quote appropriate to pretty much every situation in life, and life has yet to prove me wrong. Who among us, in times of trouble, has not called on the help of Jeebus?
So what’s your favorite? I think it’s hard to improve on “Here’s to alcohol: The cause of—and …
While Flesh-James is on vacation, Robo-James has generated this free-for-all thread to discuss anything that’s caught your eye in the worlds of TV, media, or other matters Tuned Inland-y. Think of it as do-it-yourself guest blogging.
Did the world need two new accounts of the Han Van Meegeren story? He was the 20th century Dutch forger who turned out a succession of phony Vermeers that for a time were widely accepted. Hard to say, but this summer the world got two of them anyway: The Forger’s Spell by Edward …
TV critics have a big blind spot. We’re constantly focusing on the new stuff. That means, for starters, that people like me write a lot about shows when they premiere, then let them go as they stay on the air.
But it also means that we ignore something that it a huge part of ordinary people’s TV-watching experience: reruns. We all hate …
While Flesh-James is on vacation, Robo-James has generated this free-for-all thread to discuss anything that’s caught your eye in the worlds of TV, media, or other matters Tuned Inland-y. Think of it as do-it-yourself guest blogging.
A couple quick from-vacation thoughts to kick off discussion:
I have no idea whether Hillary Clinton’s endorsement speech helps Barack Obama politically or not. But simply from a standpoint of televisual interest, it’s funny that people have talked about this speech as a dread moment of great risk for Obama.
Why? Modern conventions are …
The U.K. is in a bit of an uproar over art this week. To encourage tourism to London for the next Olympics, in 2012, the Brits produced a video that was screened recently in Beijing. In a montage of images of London’s cultural scene, someone decided to include a brief glimpse of Marcus …
Unless Robo-James and his comrades have overthrown the humans, the Democratic National Convention has begun by now, with the Republicans up next week. That means the general election, and next month brings the first Presidential debate.
If the primary debates are any guide, we can make a good guess as to the content of the debate …