Tuned In Tuned In

JPTV: What I'm Watching (But Not Eating)

Travel Channel

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern

Andrew Zimmern makes a stop at a barbecued-lamb market in a Moroccan alleyway. The stalls in the alley are arranged in descending order of price; at the beginning, you have the prized luxury cuts, and as you walk on, you move on to body parts that were far more highly valued by the sheep

Tuned In Tuned In



The Wedding Bells

It is a weighty responsibility, the job of professional TV judging. Your faithful critic sweats over his assessments of shows. He watches. He re-watches. He jots and ruminates and second-guesses. Mrs. Tuned In, on the other hand, usually needs to see about 30 seconds of a show to reach a judgment, which is usually

We Had to Destroy the Village to Save It

Just last week the county commissioners of Montgomery County, Pa., where the Barnes Foundation is located, voted unanimously to go in search of outside legal assistance to explore ways to keep the Barnes collection from being relocated to an as yet unbuilt facility in downtown Philadelphia. The commissioners also voted to have their …

Tuned In Tuned In

24: Blather, Rinse, Repeat

OK, so 24 repeats itself. That’s what it does; that’s what it’s for. It’s probably silly to even point it out. And I tend to agree with Tim Goodman that 24 is so ludicrous, it defies analysis.

But it doesn’t defy a quick-and-dirty list, so here’s a taxonomy of elements from last night’s episode lifted from earlier 24 seasons:

* Jack …

Even More About MoMA and Money

I spoke earlier today with John Elderfield, the chief curator of painting and sculpture at MoMA, who wanted to elaborate on an episode that I mentioned in an earlier blogpost about the very imaginative compensation arrangements devised some years ago for MoMA Director Glenn Lowry, which came to light recently in the New York …

Tuned In Tuned In

Sylar, Our Hero!

If you haven’t watched last night’s Heroes, remove the top of your head and input the contents of the episode before reading further.

NBC Photo: Justin Lubin

So, good news and bad news. On the one hand, Mohinder’s not dead. But on the bright side, Sylar could still kill him in the next episode!

While last night’s episode didn’t match

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