Tuned In Tuned In

Big Love Watch: Straight Edge

HBO photo: Lacey Terrell

Big Love had kept us wondering for a while whether it was actually going to go the whole Brady-Bunch-forbidden-love route with Ben and Margene, and last night the show finally showed us that we weren’t the only ones who had noticed what’s been going on. I was glad, though, that their relationship, so far anyway, …

Tuned In Tuned In

'Scuse Me While I Kiss This Guy

Tuesday, July 10, NBC debuts The Singing Bee, a competition, hosted by NSYNCer Joey Fatone and his Goatee of Death, in which contestants try to remember–or, preferably, misremember–the precise lyrics to pop songs. Which is greater: My embarrassment that I am totally going to watch this show? Or my chagrin that someone listened to Simon …

Philip Johnson, the Morphing Modernist

“Da Monsta”, completed 1995 — All Photos: Paul Warchol

I wrote a bit last Friday about Philip Johnson’s Glass House in New Canaan, Conn., which has just opened to the public for the first time under the operation of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. My visit there last week got me thinking about Johnson’s larger career, …

Tuned In Tuned In

John from Cincinnati Watch: Perfect Parallelism


I received three episodes of JFC for review, so at this point you’re caught up with me. If you’re still watching, which I realize is a big if.

Looking back at my notes, this is the point at which I threw up may hands over the plot, conceded that the show was confounding, self-indulgent and possibly a folly–and yet still wanted …

People Who Live in Glass Houses

Philip Johnson’s Glass House — All Photos: Eirik Johnson

Earlier this week I made it up to New Canaan, Connecticutt to see Philip Johnson’s Glass House, which opens to the public for the first time this month. In the 1980s, Johnson willed the house to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, with the stipulation that he could …

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