Watch Tina Fey and Jerry Seinfeld Go on a Coffee Run Together

Two comedians, one car

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Tina Fey was the guest on Jerry Seinfeld’s web series, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, and — as expected, given that it’s two of the funniest people in entertainment hanging out together — hilarity ensued. (They also got a cronut.)

On the possibility that a random old lady was wearing a wig, Seinfeld offered up this gem: “I like healthy hair, I don’t care who its from or where it was originally.” Wise words.

Hair matters aside, Fey had her own insights on where good-looking people tend to congregate in New York City: “If you walk around on the Upper West Side, you will never ever see a truly good looking person. If you walk around on 14th Street, you might say, ‘Hey, that girl’s a model.” Fair point.

Watch it up top.