Comments of the Week: August 25 – 31

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Everybody needs an editor. Sometimes it’s us and sometimes it’s the world—so thankfully we (and the world) have you guys. If there’s anything bogus going on in television, movies and music, you guys are on it!

For example:

snopup calls out some false modesty, on Olivia B. Waxman’s piece about President Obama’s movie recommendations for Oprah:

I don’t like to name drop, said Oprah to nobody that has ever seen or heard Oprah.

Timothy Drake has some advice for television’s powers that be, on Steven James Snyder’s review of this past week’s episode of Breaking Bad:

I honestly don’t think the show can go on for too much longer… it’s been a superb run though.

Joe Matz on Richard Corliss’ review of the movie 2016: Obama’s Americaand the spirited discussion inspired by that piece, and whether the movie can change any minds:

I think it’s safe to assume just about anyone who goes to see this movie has already decided not to vote for Obama.

GrimKim has a bone to pick with Alanis Morissette, on Melissa Locker’s review of the new albums from Alanis Morissette and the Corin Tucker Band:

I wish you’d have made mention of all the strong, talented, creative female heavy metal musicians that have been writing, performing, and releasing consistently high quality music since the Seventies. We exist, and we make Alanis look like a delicate flower.

I Am Pop Slag has advice for NASA, on Lily Rothman’s piece about the new song broadcast to the Earth from Mars:

Of  all the “musicians” on the planet, why would you pick this little talentless tosspot?
Are they trying to start an intergalactic war?