Tuned In

Programming Note

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A note to Tuned Inlanders: I’m going to be on vacation starting today and through the rest of next week. Sorry. I like to think of myself as an expensive chandelier that requires regular maintenance and polishing.

All will not be quiet while I’m out, however. My Game of Thrones weekly review will still post here Monday morning, and my colleagues here will be keeping the lights on at TIME Entertainment, including Nate Rawlings, writing weekly on Mad Men. Those of you with subscriptions to the print TIME can read my long feature in this week’s issue on Lena Dunham and HBO’s fantastic new series Girls, which debuts Sunday, April 15. (I’ll be posting some excerpts from my interview with here at Tuned In after I get back.) And you can also keep following my updates on Twitter—if you can stand reading my tweets about finally taking the on-spring-break Tuned In Jrs. to see The Lorax. See you in a week-ish.