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The Morning After: New York Marathon

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Not a lot to say about last night’s How I Met Your Mother, which again offered relatively little on the promised larger-storylines-development for this season. Still, I enjoy the show’s little love letters to New York City like “Subway Wars”; the fact that they so blatantly look like they’re shot on a set in California only adds to their charm. (I also enjoyed the little homage—I think it was one—to the Woody Allen / Sylvester Stallone subway scene in Bananas, in which Lily taunted Robin through a closed subway door that re-opened.) A trifle, but a fun one.

In other news, apparently not a hell of a lot people are watching new Monday shows in any great numbers, but let us know if you have anything to say about any of them. Anyone sticking with The Event?

And in other other news, I am actually running the real New York City marathon this year. New Yorkers, you have until November 7 to age your fruits and vegetables for hurling at me!