Tuned In

The Morning After: Finished With That

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I’d mentioned earlier that I was probably going to step back from writing up How I Met Your Mother every week, Hell or high water, unless I had a lot to say about a particular episode. “Unfinished” is probably a good place to start that practice, as it combined Glee’s weakness for literally restating its theme over and over (“Finished with that!”) and Modern Family’s weakness for sappy closing monologues, without much particular HIMYM freshness to counterbalance it. (Though I enjoyed Marshall’s lawyer funk-band cutaway: “How do you plead?” “Funky!”) Beyond that, though, not a lot to comment on.

But I know there are still HIMYM fans around here, and I will return to the series at some point. In the meantime, let us know what you thought of the episode, and the season so far. Where’s the poop?