Tuned In

Conan Speaks—On 60 Minutes

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Conan O’Brien‘s contractual TV-interview-muzzle agreement with NBC reportedly expires on Saturday, May 1, and the next night O’Brien will be giving his first on-air interview since the Jaypocalypse to Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes.

The gag order’s expiration is timed fortuitously, promotion-wise, since it comes after Conan’s deal with TBS, in the midst of his stage tour, and just before his (I assume) unveiling at TBS’s annual spring “upfront” presentation for advertisers, who will be paying more attention than usual this year.

I have to imagine the interview will lean heavily on the events at NBC and O’Brien’s feelings toward Jay Leno. But at this point, honestly, I’m as much or more interested in how he might reconceive his show for cable. What does Tuned Inland want Kroft to ask him about?