Tuned In

The Morning After, After: Express Yourself

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Last Tuesday night (sorry! still catching up on work), Glee aired its much-vaunted Madonna episode. (If you haven’t yet seen the highly promoted Sue Sylvester “Vogue” video, above, you probably don’t want to, but here it is anyway.) I told you what I thought in my midseason-premiere walkup post last week: the episode went way too far toward turning Glee into an American Idol theme night, shoehorning in a staggering number of Madge songs at the expense of plot and character. The “Vogue” video was a prime example: brilliantly done as it was technically, it was engineered by an implausible-even-by-Glee standards makeover subplot that seemed to dissipate almost as soon as the last note sounded.

But I also know a lot of Glee fans loved the video, and may well have loved the episode itself; there is probably a big subset of the audience that just wants songs, songs, songs, and that may be what pays the bills for those elements of Glee that I do like. Anyone want to make the case for the episode?