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TV Tonight: Ring My Bell

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Fringe is turning out to be even more like The X-Files than I suspected when it started—structurally, anyway, in that it’s breaking down between monster-of-the-week episodes, which I might enjoy but don’t feel compelled to watch right away, and mythology episodes, which focus on the overarching parallel-universe storyline and which I drop everything to watch. (The parallel, so to speak, is not exact: Fringe’s monster episodes are more tied to the ongoing story than The X-Files’, which were usually entirely stand-alone.)

If you feel the same way, you must not miss tonight’s episode, which returns William Bell (Leonard Nimoy) and delves deeper into how and why Olivia was sucked into his parallel universe, where he keeps an office high up in an undestroyed World Trade Center. The episode also has a sweet B-story for Walter (John Noble). But while Noble is rightly much praised, I’m increasingly impressed with Torv’s steely performance as Olivia.

Oh, yeah: Jim and Pam are getting married tonight too. Fortunately modern science has provided DVRs and Hulu to navigate these parallel universes.