Tuned In

While I Was Out

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gleebillboardI’m back. I didn’t actually go anywhere. I was on staycation at home, where the Tuned In Jrs. were still out of school. (And still are! School starts on Wednesday for public students in New York City, so Obama cannot eat the brains of the schoolchildren of Brooklyn today!)

For the TV critic on vacation, though, reminders of work are never far away. I snapped the above photo from NYC’s new High Line park. The Glee billboard quotes my review from TIME: see the last line at the bottom. It is indeed true. Glee was, in fact, a “…thing I’ve seen on TV.”

What else happened in the world of TV while I was away?

* Mad Men, unsurprisingly, got picked up for a fourth season.

* NBC is going to try to remake Prime Suspect.

* HBO continued beefing up its schedule, with the much-expected pickup of Martin Scorsese’s 1920s drama Boardwalk Empire.

* Speaking of HBO, the network’s hotly anticipated (by me, among others) Game of Thrones pilot cast Sarah Connor Chronicles’ Lena Headey as the wicked Cersei Lannister.

* And Glenn Beck got an Obama green-jobs czar to resign his job. Wait, a minute—weren’t the czars toppled by communists?!