Tuned In

The Morning After: How's It Hangin', Cliff?

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While extolling the virtues of online give-and-take with readers, I neglected to mention the most important benefit of it: getting someone else to do your work for you! In this case, hashing over the cliffhanger-y season finale of Grey’s Anatomy. (No spoilers here, but assume there will be in the comments and proceed accordingly.) Assuming there are a few fans out there in Tuned Inland, what say you: did that thing that looked like it probably happen actually happen? Or was it one of those situations where it looks like it happened and then the next season cleverly shows you how it didn’t happen? 

OK, that was a total spoiler. My apologies.

I’ll post up some posts on NBC’s comedy finales and Survivor in a bit, but the rest of this last Thursday night of the season is all yours in the comments.