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American Idol Watch: Dodging a Ballot

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Spoilers for last night’s American Idol double-elimination after the jump:

I could practically feel the breeze in my living room last night, as the judges and producers of American Idol exhaled in relief as Anoop Desai went home. Having puzzlingly saved Matt Giraud last week, the judges left themselves open to having an actually save-worthy contestant go home tonight. 

Sadly for those of us hoping that the no-takebacksies double-elim would unleash chaos in Idol-land, America let us down, sending home Lil and Anoop, both of whom seemed due if not overdue for elimination. 

So the only drama on the hourlong program—which I watched, for once, more or less straight through (damn you, Lost clips episode!)—was the horrific medley by former disco greats, capped off by Harry Wayne Casey of KC and the Sunshine Band, looking like an extra Paulie Walnuts might have beat down in an episode of The Sopranos. Some genres of music do not lend themselves to career longevity. And was anyone else terrified that Thelma Houston’s gown engineering was going to malfunction? This is live television, madam!

Now we look to be in for a couple dull weeks of a so-far dull season, as the question becomes whether Matt or Allison goes home next. Any upset predictions?