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Happy Lost Day: Dayenu, Already!

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When you think about it, Lost is a pretty Jewish show, particularly given all the Passover resonances. There are, of course, all the Old Testament references. There is an exodus from a land of exile. There’s even a plague, though this one goes beyond affecting the firstborn to all Island babies and their mothers. 

All of which is to say, Passover is starting, and I’ll be at a seder tonight, which will probably delay my watching and posting on tonight’s Lost. There will be a Lostwatch, but it may go up tomorrow morning, depending on how much energy I have left after all the wine and reclining.

Which is too bad, because judging simply by the Ben-centric previews, tonight’s could be a doozy. Any guesses what’s in store for him—either in the present or in any of his various pasts?