Tuned In

New Lost Clip: "Thank God for Second Chances"

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…and thanks to chelsea15jk in an earlier thread for pointing out that the Dark UFO website has posted a promo for season 5 of Lost:

[Update: I haven’t actually seen this air on ABC, by the way—I don’t watch a lot of ads generally, thanks to Tivo—but unlike some of the homemade “trailers” floating around YouTube, this pretty clearly seems to employ new footage. Has anyone out there seen it on TV?]

[Later update: It looks like the YouTube video has been pulled, though the promo is still up, for now, at the Dark UFO link above.]

With the first half of the trailer largely made up of scenes from season 4, it’s hard to glean much from the promo (though screen captures may reveal more in the flashing images and text than I’m able to eyeball). But it seems to reinforce the idea that season 5 will follow a pattern split between the Oceanic 6’s attempt to return to the Island—the “we gotta get the band back together” plot, with Ben and Jack as Jake and Elwood Blues—and flashbacks[?] to the “bad things” that happened on the Island in the Six’s absence.

All verb tenses being very provisional, of course. I’m curious about Jack’s statement toward the end, for instance: “Everyone we left behind—they die too if I didn’t come back.” Huh? I have a feeling the subjunctive mood is going to get a workout next season. [Update: Chaddogg in the comments suggests that it’s “they’d die too,” which makes more sense. It all goes to show the importance of proper elocution, and/or taking good care of your hearing.]