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Your Daily Palin TV Update

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ABC has released its schedule for dishing out Charles Gibson’s Alaskan Sarahstravaganza: excerpts of the interview will air tonight on World News and Nightline and tomorrow on Good Morning America, World News and 20/20. [In other campaign-TV news, I should also note that Richard Stengel—a.k.a. my boss—will moderate a forum on service with John McCain and Barack Obama, to be carried on cable news and PBS at 8 p.m. E.T.]

Meanwhile, Funny or Die seeks to cash in on Palinmania with Gina Gershon as the Alaska governor:

See more Gina Gershon videos at Funny or Die

Gina Gershon, you are no Paris Hilton. Most of the lines are hardly jokes so much as reworded knocks against Palin as nominee, and I suspect the main reason anyone will forward this is to see Gershon doing an in-the-flesh recreation of that Photoshopped picture of Palin in a bikini holding a gun.

I’ve still got to go with Benincasa FTW:

Best line comes at :35—”‘I’m gonna text you who my vice president is!’ ‘Oh, who is it?’ ‘It’s Mr. Joe Biden!’ Wa-WAAAAA!”