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Robo-Post: Not-TV Week—Summer Movies

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A side effect of being professionally glued to a TV set—and having small children—is that I see a lot fewer movies than I used to. So I thought I’d continue Not-TV Week by throwing open a discussion on this summer’s movies, and what I should eventually rent or download when they come around. A couple starter topics:

* I am the only person in America not to have seen The Dark Knight yet (I may remedy this on vacation), so I have no opinion, but what was your take? Was it an apologia for extremism in the name of safety, or a condemnation of it? Or did it even have a message?

* Which superhero adaptation this summer was the best?

* Which non-blockbuster was most overlooked?

* And a meta-topic: there’s more and more talk these days about studios eventually having to give up the “distribution window” for movies (i.e., making them available on DVD or download the same time they go into theaters). This would be a boon for me, since it’s a rare movie that’ll make us shell out for a sitter, but what about you? Would you still go to a movie theater if you didn’t have to?