Tuned In

JPTV: Aging Out of the Demo

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Recent photograph of the author. / FOX

Age ain’t nothing but a number. A number that inexorably grows larger, bringing you ever closer to your death, but a number nonetheless.

If the recent nostalgia posts about Liz Phair and the Brothers Krofft were not enough of a hint, I turned 40 over the weekend. I have therefore revised my worldview to reflect the following:

* TV is way too obsessed with young people! Who do the advertisers think spend all the money on their products, anyway?

* Everybody Loves Raymond was a deeply funny show, because it’s so true.

* There are some really great shows on TV Land!

* Mostly I don’t watch the reality TV, though. Nothing “real” about it, if you ask me! That Lou Dobbs, though, he tells it like it is.

* Speaking of the news, I don’t get this at all. This is what passes for humor these days?:


I know, this is a self-indulgent post. But if I can buy off my midlife crisis with this post and the new iPhone, I’ll have gotten off cheap. In even more self-indulgent news, Tuned In Jr. Jr. turns four today—meaning that now, I am merely ten times as old as he is, whereas last year I was exactly thirteen times as old! And a year from now, I will be scarcely eight times as old as he is. I’m getting younger every year!