Tuned In

H.R. PufnSpace

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Krofft Kwikies – Lidsville “Escape From HooDoo”

It’s been something of a Sid and Marty Krofft Week here at Tuned In, what with the multiple references to The Brady Bunch Variety Hour, so what better way to cap off the week than the news that the Kroffts have launched a MySpace page, as part of the walk-up to the 2009 movie of Land of the Lost? (Sidebar: There’s going to be a movie of Land of the Lost?) The World of Sid and Marty Krofft is intended to be the only place online that you can—legally, anyway—watch the Kroffts’ ’70s vintage product, cut down here to “Krofft Kwikies” of several minutes.

And why would you do that, exactly? The Kroffts may never go down in TV history in the ranks of the Bochcos or Lears, but in their own way they were pioneers, creating some of the most surreally trippy low-tech entertainment that small children’s chemically sensitive brains were ever exposed to. (Please do yourself a favor and watch the minisode of Lidsville, above, the epic credits for which alone will give you a contact high.) Among the other sources of high-grade, mainlinable Gen-X nostalgia are clips of The Bugaloos, H. R. Pufnstuf, Sigmund and the Seamonsters, Electra Woman and DynaGirl and, obviously, Land of the Lost.

Please do not drive or operate heavy machinery for two hours after watching any of these videos.