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Lost Discussion Group: Exit Strategy

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Happy Not-Lost Day! With one week until the two-hour finale, this seems like a good time to kick around your speculations about what the last episode of season 4 will bring.

Take it in whatever direction you want, but here’s a kickoff question. How the Oceanic Six get off the Island is obviously a big question hanging out there. But just as important, it seems, is: Who gets them off the Island?

Could it be the not-as-evil-as-Keamy people on the freighter? Possible, I suppose. But that would leave a lot of ‘splainin’ to do: in particular, they’d have to be brought home by a group of people, in the employ of Charles Widmore, who know about the Island and their secret yet (apparently from the flash-forwards) have not let that information get out.

Could it be Dharma / Mittelos / Whoever the Hell Abaddon Works For? The hitch there, obviously, is that in the future, the mysterious Abaddon does not appear to know where the Island is or if anyone is left on it.

Oceanic Airlines? Well, we know that Oceanic flies them in on the last leg of the return trip. But from everything I could glean last week, the airline seems to be an innocent bystander here, unaware that the Six are actually telling a cover story. (If there are hints to the contrary that I’m missing, please holler.) However the Six came to Oceanic, the airline seems to believe their story is on the up-and-up, suggesting, maybe, that someone with resources got them to a different location at which to be “found.” Someone who seems to have a knack for handily getting on and off the Island. Could it be…

Ben? That would explain a lot. That would explain an awful lot. But it still wouldn’t tell us why this particular six became the Six. Nor what happens to the others. Or The Others. Or Daniel Faraday et al. Or…

Theorize away! T minus seven days and counting.