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Trailerama: 90210, Dollhouse

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Courtesy of the YouTubes, The CW offers a preview of what the new 90210 will look like. Or at least the title sequence! And the automotive product placements!

Meanwhile I had been waiting to post Fox’s trailer of Dollhouse, but they were disappearing as soon as they appeared. (There may be legitimate reasons that Fox doesn’t want people embedding free ads for their programming, but I can’t think of any.) Here, finally, is a (seemingly) official, stable version:

Dollhouse Preview Featurette
Uploaded by FoxBroadcasting

And while I was waiting, The Underwire put up a scene from the pilot:

I actually like this better than the trailer, because it gives more of a taste of the show’s dialogue. I still have reservations about the premise—if it’s largely a showcase for the actors who play the Actives to show how many different “characters” they can play per episode, that will get old fast—but so far I like it better the more I see of it, which is a good sign.