Another Good Argument for Electric Cars

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Spiral Jetty, Robert Smithson, 1970 /JAMES COHAN GALLERY

There’s a proposal to drill for oil in the Great Salt Lake in the vicinity of Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty, one of the definitive works of 20th century American art. The drilling will be underwater, but will require the construction of industrial infrastructure all around. (And yes, I know that Spiral Jetty was constructed at the edge of what was already a littered and abandoned industrial site. The operative term there is abandoned.)

The blogger Tyler Green has further details, but this is the main thing you need to know.

If you want to send a letter of protest to save the beautiful, natural Utah environment around the Spiral Jetty from oil drilling, the emails or calls of protest go to Jonathan Jemming 801-537-9023 Please refer to Application # 8853. Every letter makes a big difference, they do take a lot of notice and know that publicity may follow. Since the Spiral Jetty has global significance, emails from foreign countries would be of special value.

Here’s the catch — you have only until 5 PM mountain time today to place calls or send e-mails objecting to the project. That would be 6PM central time and 7PM eastern standard. (Ok, West coast, you do your own math. You can do it!)