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The Morning After: New Moon

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Linda Cardellini and Steve Zahn, in the waning days of the West(ern miniseries). / Robert Voets/CBS

An unusual breed has been spotted on the vast prairies of CBS this week: the Endangered North American Miniseries. They used to be a majestic and revered creature, bred big and muscular, feted with big budgets and celebrated regularly during sweeps. Their numbers have dwindled with neglect over recent years, like the bison (to be optimistic) or the passenger pigeon (less so). I didn’t care much for Comanche Moon (with the exception of Val Kilmer’s eccentric performance), which aired its last segment last night, but it seems sad not to take any note of it. So I’ll dedicate this Morning After to it. Did anyone out there like it better than I did? Anyone? Tumbleweeds?