Tuned In

The Morning After: "Mitch! That's a Joke Newspaper!"

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NBC Photo: Nicole Rivelli

How good is 30 Rock? So good that it can make an episode guest-starring Buck Henry, Elaine Stritch and Andy Richter, and you’re so lost in it that you don’t spend it thinking, “Wow, that’s Buck Henry, Elaine Stritch and Andy Richter!” On the one hand, like most episodes of 30 Rock, there’s nothing better to say about it than to quote one line after another (“[Christmas is] about getting drunk and hugging your cousin until your mom says, ‘Frank, enough!’”). But in its own way the holiday episode showed again what a good handle Tina Fey has on Liz Lemon, who is totally believable as the overencouraged daughter of salt-of-the-Earth parents, suing the football team to be place kicker. Yeah, feminism!

In other last-night news, I have yet to watch last night’s Survivor: China, and so will be reading the comments with my eyes squinted.