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Vacation Robo-Post: Your Favorite Holiday TV

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I could be all coy and sly about this, but the fact is, I’m preparing a list of my favorite Christmas / Non-Christian Late-Year-Holiday Programs for time.com. (Or I would be, if I were working at the moment.) So this seemed as good a time as any to ask what yours are, since there are almost certainly going to be some that I’ll overlook. That’s right–even as I stage a job-action / paid vacation against my employer, I am outsourcing my own job to you! I am either an evil genius or a complete idiot! Possibly both!

On my own list, I’ve ruled out feature movies rerun on TV, but you are under no such restrictions. So have at it. Bonus points for any non-Christmas specials you can come up with. (Any Hanukkah shows beyond the Rugrats one?)

Can’t wait to see what you come up with. If this goes well enough, we can close down the back-office TV-criticism center in Bangalore!