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JPTV: What I'm Watching Tonight–Cartman and Cartwoman

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Comedy Central isn’t going to let any flipping network premiere weeks scare them off: new seasons of South Park and The Sarah Silverman Program kick off tonight.

I don’t need to tell you about South Park. Either you’ll watch it or you’re beyond hope. Sarah Silverman–Sarah is a divider. People love her or hate her, and to be fair, while I dug the first season of her sitcom, it gave people reason to do both. Maybe 3 or 4 of the 6 episodes were great–and forever changed the way I think of Tab–while a couple were limp and shocking for shocking’s sake. (Though that’s not entirely untrue of South Park–that show may have a more positive ratio, but Sarah’s character is pretty much a female Cartman.)

That’s more or less the case with the two episodes Comedy Central sent critics of season 2. The first, about abortion, was hilarious; the second, about Sarah getting in trouble for kinda-sorta accidentally molesting her dog, not so much. But I much prefer a show that bats .500 and hits big when it hits to a show that’s consistently all right. Of course, I’m going to show you a clip from the episode I liked: