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Wolf Blitzer's Countdown

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OK, I realize that covering a breaking story like the Virginia Tech shooting is not easy, and that inevitably there is going to be a certain amount of video wallpaper, repetitiousness and regrettable choices made in cable news, because that’s what happens. (Case in point: I typed “overkill” in the previous sentence before my inner inappropriate-cliche monitor kicked in–live on air, I wouldn’t have had the chance to delete it.)

Still, there have been production decisions this afternoon that show the difference between actual cable news and Daily Show-style parody is vanishing. Case in point: a few minutes ago, Wolf Blitzer’s The Situation Room on CNN reran that already-ubiquitous cellphone video outside the shooting with–I am not making this up–a “Shots Heard” counter ticking off in the corner of the screen. As the sickening shots sounded, the counter ticked upward, pop-pop-pop–for what reason, exactly? This helps us understand what?

I’ve been trying to withhold judgment this afternoon–I do realize there are more important things than cable-news nitpicking today–but I just can’t imagine why this seemed like a good idea. (Nor the “Question of the Hour” viewer poll that Jack Cafferty introduced immediately afterward: “What impact will the Virginia Tech shooting have on future enrollment?” Again, not making this up.)

On the positive side, I’ve heard few post-Littleton-style attempts to pin the shootings on movies, rap music and videogames. Yet.